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We are striving to provide competent solutions and excellent service for you and your satisfaction is our highest priority. Feedback from you as our customers helps us to better understand your needs and thereby to improve our services and products.

How you can contact us

  • Send us a message via our in-app chat support
  • Write to us at Raiffeisen Digital Bank AG, Am Stadtpark 9, 1030 Vienna, Austria
  • Phone: +43 1 71707-5560
  • Email us on

Personal data protection

Contact details of the Bank's data protection officer:

Am Stadtpark 9, 1030 Wien

External bodies and authorities

  • Joint Arbitration Board of the Austrian Banking Industry:
    The customer has the option of contacting the independent joint arbitration board of the Austrian Banking Industry, 1045 Vienna, Wiedner Hauptstraße 63,, an independent institution for the out-of-court settlement of disputes.
  •  Platform of the EU Commission for online dispute resolution (regarding complaints from online purchase contracts or online service contracts): arbitration for consumers (especially for foreign currency loans), Vienna ( 
  • You also have the option of contacting the Austrian Financial Market Authority (FMA), Vienna ( with your complaint.


Should we have failed in fully meeting your expectations or should you have reason to complain, we kindly ask you to contact your personal relationship manager or directly our complaints management by e-mail or mail. We do appreciate your constructive feedback and take it seriously. Please provide the following information so that we can resolve your matter efficiently and quickly:

  • Please state your full name and address.
  • Please describe your matter in detail.
  • Please attach copies of relevant documentation.

Should you have a suggestion regarding the solution of your matter, please let us know.

Our Complaints Management colleagues will acknowledge the receipt of your request, as soon as your complaint has been registered, and you will receive an answer after it was processed. Should the process take longer than expected, we will of course inform you about that as well, together with a status update.

Contact details:

Raiffeisen Digital Bank AG
Am Stadtpark 9, 1030 Vienna, Austria
E-mail for Polish Customers:
E-mail for Romanian Customers:

Complaint Management at Raiffeisen Digital Bank AG

Raiffeisen Digital Bank AG continuously strives to act in the best interest of its customers and is committed not to give rise for any cause for complaint. Nevertheless, we are well aware that we cannot entirely exclude human errors or technical failures. Thus, complaint management at Raiffeisen Digital Bank AG is an integral part of quality assurance and customer service. 

Handling customer complaints

Raiffeisen Digital Bank AG has implemented internal rules and policies to safeguard effective and speedy complaint resolution. Should the handling of complaint be more time-consuming due to the complexity of the case, we will notify you accordingly. 

Content of a complaint

We kindly ask you to provide all documents and information related to the respective complaint/business case in order to enable us to promptly address and resolve your complaint. Moreover, we kindly ask you to state your current contact details. Your data will be kept strictly confidential.

Please provide the following information so that we can resolve your case efficiently and quickly:

  • Name, surname, and address
  • Detailed description of the problem
  • Attach a copy of the relevant documentation
Submitting complaints

We kindly ask you to submit a complaint directly to our complaint handling department depending on our relevant market by sending us an email, letter, or by writing to the chat in the Raiffeisen Digital Bank application or via our websites.  

By Mail:      Retail Operations
                    Raiffeisen Digital Bank AG
                    Am Stadtpark 9
                    1030 Wien

By e-mail for Polish Customers:
By e-mail for Romanian Customers:

For detailed information please visit: 

Website for Polish Customers:
Website for Romanian Customers:

External Authorities
  • Joint arbitration board of the Austrian banking industry: There is the possibility for the consumer to contact the independent, joint arbitration committee of the Austrian banking industry, 1045 Wien, Wiedner Hauptstraße 63 (, which is an independent body for out-of-court settlement.
  • Platform of the European Commission for Online Dispute Resolutions (concerning complaints resulting from online purchase contracts or online service agreements):
  • Mediation for consumers (especially concerning foreign currency loans), Vienna (
  • Regarding your complaint you also have the possibility to contact the Austrian Financial Market Authority (FMA), Vienna


One of the key goals at RDB is promoting a compliance culture allowing us to work in a safe and ethically correct organization. This includes bringing forward any potential breaches of the Code of Conduct or regulatory requirements.

Addressing wrongdoings is essential for the security and development of our company and is the responsibility of both staff members and external stakeholders. However, raising difficult matters openly is not everyone's cup of tea for various and valid reasons. Therefore, we have installed a whistleblowing program that provides you with different ways to report a breach, including the possibility to report anonymously.

We would like to give you some guidance for the proper use of these reporting channels.

Account closure process

To request an account closure please follow the steps described on the link below.