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Raiffeisen Digital Bank AG

Information pursuant to the Austrian E-Commerce Act

Raiffeisen Digital Bank AG
Member of RBI Group
Principal office (and postal address)
Am Stadtpark 9
1030 Vienna

Phone: +43 1 71707-5560


Registered at the Austrian Companies Register

under FN 117507f with the Commercial Court of Vienna

VAT Identification number ATU 15355005

Austrian Data Processing Number (DVR) 0008389

Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) 529900M2F7D5795H1A49


Bank code 19930


Regulatory Authorities:

As a credit  institution, the Raiffeisen Digital Bank AG is subject to the regulatory supervision of the Federal Finance Ministry, the Austrian National Bank, as well as the Financial Market Supervisory Authority and all government laws and regulations, especially those of the Austrian Banking Act (BWG).

Additionally, Raiffeisen Digital Bank AG is subject to supervision by the European Central Bank (ECB), which ECB undertakes within the Single Supervisory Mechanism (SSM), which consists of the ECB and the national responsible authorities (Council Regulation (EU) No 1024/2013 of the Council of the European Union).

Legal acts made available on this website are provided for information purposes only. No warranty or representation is made or given as to the legal acts being reliable, accurate, complete and up to date. Legally binding are only those texts of the legal acts, which have been promulgated in the Austrian Federal Law Gazette. More and detailed information regarding legal acts (as amended) is available free of charge on the website of the Legal Information System of the Republic of Austria, which is run and maintained by the Austrian Federal Chancellery (


Business Chamber Austria/Federal Bank and Insurance Category/Professional Association of Raiffeisen Banks.

Statement pursuant to the Austrian Media Act:

Publisher of the website
Raiffeisen Digital Bank AG
Am Stadtpark 9
1030 Vienna

Media Owner of the website
Zentrale Raiffeisenwerbung
Am Stadtpark 9
1030 Vienna

Society committee Zentrale Raiffeisenwerbung
Petra WALTER (Chairperson), Bernhard MARCKHGOTT (Deputy Chairperson), Manuela MONSBERGER (Deputy Chairperson)

Other committee members: Rudolf SUTTNER, Christoph BACHLEITNER, Christian BEVELANDER, Raphael KIENE, Johannes DERLER

Zentrale Raiffeisenwerbung is a registered society. Society purpose and activities of Zentrale Raiffeisenwerbung are (inter alia) a joint communication work (advertising and public relations).

Basic tendency of the content of the website :

  • Presentation of Raiffeisen Digital Bank AG and its group companies
  • Information concerning the products and services offered by Raiffeisen Digital Bank AG


By opening and/or using the information, services, links, functions, applications, or programs (hereinafter referred to as "contents") offered on this website, users hereby  agree to be bound by the terms and conditions set out below:

Copyright law:
The contents offered on this website and sub-sites (hereinafter referred to as "Raiffeisen Digital Bank website") are protected by copyright law. The downloading or storage of applications or programs contained on the Raiffeisen Digital Bank website and the (complete or partial) reproduction, transmission, modification, or linking of the contents of the Raiffeisen Digital Bank website shall only be permitted with the express and written consent of Raiffeisen Digital Bank AG (hereinafter referred to as "Raiffeisen Digital Bank").

Links to websites or URLs of third-party providers:
With the exception of the cases regulated under § 17 of the Austrian E-Commerce Act, Raiffeisen Digital Bank does not assume any liability for the content of websites or URLs of other providers to which links are provided. Raiffeisen Digital Bank also does not assume any liability for the uninterrupted availability or full functionality of the links to websites or URLs of third parties.

Exclusion of liability:
Raiffeisen Digital Bank makes no warranty and will accept no liability for any damages whatsoever (including consequential or indirect damages, or lost profits) relating to the access to the Raiffeisen Digital Bank website, the opening, use or querying of the contents on the website or relating to the links set up on the Raiffeisen Digital Bank website to websites or URLs of third parties. This applies also in cases in which Raiffeisen Digital Bank was notified of the possibility of incurring such damages. Furthermore, Raiffeisen Digital Bank shall not be liable for technical disruptions such as server breakdowns, operating disruptions or failures of the telecommunications links and other similar events, which could lead to the (temporary) unavailability of the Raiffeisen Digital Bank website as a whole or parts of it and/or result in the (temporary) unavailability.

Changes to the Raiffeisen Digital Bank website:
Raiffeisen Digital Bank reserves the right to change or add/remove the Raiffeisen Digital Bank website or any contents (in full or in part) of this website at any time (if necessary also without prior notice).

General terms and conditions:
For users who use the services provided by Raiffeisen Digital Bank, the current version of the General Terms and Conditions of Raiffeisen Digital Bank apply in addition to the provisions listed here.

Note on data protection and the use of cookies:
Please note our information under "Data protection and use of cookies".

Publication pursuant to section 65a of the BWG: Corporate Governance and Compensation
Basic information on institution-specific internal measures for ensuring compliance with corporate governance provisions as well as with the rules regarding remuneration. 

Publication pursuant to section 65a of the BWG