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About Raiffeisen Digital Bank

As Raiffeisen Digital Bank we offer digital banking products and services to private individuals with the aim to become the bank-of-choice for core customer needs that’s trusted, fast, effortless and has a genuine human touch.

Under our own brand we are currently offering fully digital loans that enable consumers to improve their lives by providing cash within minutes, in a fully digital way and at a good rate. 

Internal and external partners can build on our expertise, our state-of-the-art digital banking platform as well as our fully-fledged enabling and support structure in order to offer their international clients banking products from a trusted brand. Raiffeisen Digital Bank AG is an Austrian bank based in Vienna, with an Austrian bank license.

Our History

June 2021

After almost two years of preparations a new ‘Digital Retail’ division is created in Raiffeisen Centrobank AG (“RCB”), with Alexey Kapustin being appointed as responsible Board member. The foundation of the digital products is laid and the first product, a digital loan in Poland is launched under the “Raiffeisen Digital Bank” brand only six months later.

December 2022

After the demerger of RCB’s Certificates and Equity Trading business to Raiffeisen Bank International AG (“RBI”) the ‘Digital Retail’ division, together with the respective support  functions forms a new standalone bank, in its current form as Raiffeisen Digital Bank AG.

Bodies of the Company

Management Board

Alexey Kapustin
Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

Jakub Malach
Member of the Management Board

Tadeas Horky
Member of the Management Board

Supervisory Board

Andrii Stepanenko
Chairman of the Supervisory Board
Management Board member Raiffeisen Bank International AG, Vienna

Hannes Mösenbacher
Deputy Chairman of the Supervisory Board
Management Board member Raiffeisen Bank International AG, Vienna

Members of the Supervisory Board

Łukasz Januszewski
Management Board member Raiffeisen Bank International AG, Vienna

Shareholders and subsidiaries

Raiffeisen Bank International

Am Stadtpark 9 | 1030 Vienna

Raiffeisen Digital Bank AG is a 100% subsidiary of Raiffeisen Bank International AG.

Subsidiaries of Raiffeisen Digital Bank AG

  • Syrena Immobilien Holding Aktiengesellschaft, Vienna, Austria (49%)
  • RBI Retail Innovation LLC, Kyiv, Ukraine (100%)

Code of Conduct

As a 100% subsidiary of Raiffeisen Bank International AG, Raiffeisen Digital Bank explicitly refers to the RBI Group Code of Conduct (CoC), which sets out the core values ​​of our bank and, in line with statutory regulations, is the foundation of our ethically responsible corporate culture. The Code of Conduct is binding on all employees of the RBI Group and ensures that the highest standards are adhered to, both in our business operations and in our ethical conduct. Standards that are based on the following values: Customer Orientation, Professionalism, Quality, Mutual Respect, Initiative, Teamwork and Integrity.

In addition, the activities of Raiffeisen Digital Bank are based on the rules and principles of good and responsible corporate governance set out in the Austrian Code of Corporate Governance to the extent that these rules and principles apply to Raiffeisen Digital Bank.

Code of Conduct